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Classical concerts featuring
Rafael Fingerlos


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October 19, 2025
Artistic depiction of the event

Anniversary concert: 35 years of German unity

Sun, Oct 19, 2025, 11:00
Elbphilharmonie, Großer Saal (Hamburg)
Philharmonie Salzburg, Philharmonischer Chor Salzburg, Ursula Langmayr (Soprano), Christa Ratzenböck (Mezzo-Soprano), Bernhard Berchtold (Tenor), Rafael Fingerlos (Bass), Elisabeth Fuchs (Conductor)
A very special anniversary concert awaits the audience this Sunday: 35 years have passed since German reunification! To mark this anniversary, Beethoven’s monumental Ninth Symphony will be performed exactly 201 years after it was composed. Under the direction of renowned conductor Elisabeth Fuchs, the Philharmonie Salzburg will perform Verdi’s overture to »La forza del destino« to kick off the event.